The Southern Rockies Watershed Project has been made possible because of the efforts of our highly dedicated core field hydro-meteorological field staff. These staff are foundational to the project and we are particularly grateful to have these folks working as part of our research team.
Current Staff
Chris Williams (2006 - present)
Chris earned a BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences (U of A) in 2007. Starting as a summer field technician in 2006, he has worked for SRWP ever since, serving as the primary field supervisor and now mainly as a researcher.
Erin Cherlet (2017 - present)
Erin completed her BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences (University of Alberta) in 2016 prior to joining the field crew in March 2017. She started as a technician, and is currently the primary field supervisor.
Eamon Turner (2020 - present)
Eamon graduated from the U of A with a BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences in 2021. Eamon joined the SRWP field crew as a field technician for the 2020 field season, and has carried on as a field supervisor for the 2021 field season.
Former Staff
Sydney Enns (2021 - 2022)
Sydney recently graduated from the University of Alberta with a BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences. She worked with SRWP as a field technician for the 2021 field season, and carried on to help with lab analyses in the winter. Sydney is now working on Vancouver Island.
Brooke Hehr (2021)
Brooke completed her BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences (U of A) in 2021, and worked as a field technician for SRWP's 2021 field season. Brooke is now working for Jasper National Park as a Geomatics Technician.
Kaegan Finn (2019 - 2020)
Kaegan completed his BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences at the U of A in 2020. Kaegan worked as a field technician for SRWP for 2 field seasons, and is currently working on his MSc. at the University of Lethbridge, focusing on long-toed salamander distributions in Southwestern Alberta.
Emma Hawksworth (2019)
Emma completed a Bachelor of Natural Resource Science at Thompson Rivers University. She worked with SRWP for the 2019 field season, and is now working in environmental consulting in British Columbia.
Daniel White (2019)
Daniel completed a Bachelor of Science at the University of Alberta, and worked with SRWP as a technician for the 2019 field season.
Kalli Herlein (2014 - 2018)
Kalli completed her B.Sc. in Environmental Economics and Policy in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A and worked as a field supervisor of our core hydro-meteorological field crew. Kalli completed a Masters degree in environmental economics at the University of Alberta, and has since been working in policy for the Government of Alberta.
Anna Larney (2018)
Anna completed her undergraduate degree at the University of British Columbia. After completing a fall season as an SRWP technician, Anna went on to work as a Nature Program Leader for the Nature Centre in Lethbridge.
Jaimie Forest (2018)
Jaimie completed her BSc in Environmental and Conservation Sciences prior to joining SRWP for the 2018 field season. She is now working as an environmental consultant.
Kathryn Purdon (2018)
Kathryn completed her BSc at the University of Victoria prior to joining SRWP for the 2018 field season. She is currently at the University of British Columbia completing a program in dentistry.
Michael Pekrul (2017)
Mike worked with our field crew as part of his internship for his MSc in Integrated Water Resources Management from McGill University. Mike is now working with Parks Canada.
Amber Becker (2016 - 2017)
Amber graduated with her BSc in Environmental Earth Sciences from the University of Alberta.
Amanda Martens (2011 - 2016)
Amanda completed her B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (U of A) prior to joining our field crew. Amanda served as field supervisor for the core hydro-meteorological monitoring crew before completing an M.Sc. with SRWP. Amanda now works for the Government of Alberta on their Whirling Disease research project.
Eric Lastiwka (2014 - 2016)
Eric recently completed his B.Sc. in Conservation Biology in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A before joining our field crew. Eric is now working at NAIT as a lab coordinator in Edmonton, AB.
Shauna Stack (2015 - 2016)
Shauna completed her B.Sc. in Environmental Earth Sciences (U of A) prior to joining our core crew. She has completed her Masters in reclamation in 2019 (University of Alberta).
Chrystyn Skinner (2015 - 2016)
Chrystyn completed her B.Sc. in Environmental Earth Sciences (U of A) prior to joining our core crew. She is currently pursuing a Master’s degree at the University of Guelph in groundwater hydrology.
Kirk Hawthorn (2014 - 2015)
Kirk completed his B.Sc. Forestry, and M.Sc. in Water Resource Management (U of A) as a graduate student working with SRWP. After completing his Masters degree he joined our crew to work as a field supervisor. Kirk is now working with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry based out of Calgary.
Veronica Martens (2014 - 2015)
Veronica completed a degree in hospitality and tourism prior to joining our core crew in 2015.
Melaina Weiss (2013 - 2014)
Melaina completed a Master’s degree in philosophy (Queens University) prior to joining our field crew. She currently teaches at the University of Alberta Augustana campus in Camrose, AB.
Evan Esch (2013)
Evan completed a M.Sc. in forest entomology in 2011 (U of A). He is currently working with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development in Forest Health.
Evan Luchkow (2013)
Evan completed his B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (U of A) prior to joining are core field crew. He is currently travelling the globe, having recently visited Vietnam, Turkey, and Iran, among other countries.
Mike Wagner (2004 - 2007, 2010 - 2013)
Mike completed his B.Sc. in Forestry (U of A) prior to joining SRWP as a a long term with SRWP as a team member and field supervisor. He later completed his M.Sc. in forest hydrology (U of A) prior to re-joining the SRWP crew as a field supervisor. He is now a Forest Hydrologist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, based out of Calgary.
Jordanne Taylor (2012)
Jordanne completed her B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (U of A) prior to joining our core field crew. Most recently, Jordanne was working as an environmental consultant with Wild Rose Consulting.
Samantha Karpyshin (2010 - 2012)
Samantha completed a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences prior to working with our core field crew. She completed her Masters degree with the Southern Rockies Watershed Project (U of A) in 2019 and currently works in environmental-hydrologic consulting, Edmonton, BC.
Ashley Peter-Rennich (2011)
Ashley completed her B.Sc. in Geology (U of A) prior to joining our crew.
Jolene Lust (2008 - 2010)
Jolene completed her B.Sc. in Conservation Biology in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A prior to joining our field crew. Jolene is presently an environmental consultant with EBA in the Yukon.
Jeremy Fitzpatrick (2009 - 2010)
Jeremy completed his B.Sc. in Conservation Biology, Environmental and Conservation Sciences (U of A) prior to working with our core hydro-meteorological crew. Jeremy is now working on his Masters degree with the Southern Rockies Watershed Project (U of A).
Eddie Noton (2009 - 2010)
Eddie completed his B.Sc. in Conservation Biology in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A prior to joining our field crew. Eddie now works as an environmental consultant for EBA, Edmonton, AB.
Jem Morrison (2008 - 2009)
Jem completed his B.Sc. in Conservation Biology in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A prior to joining our field crew. Jem now works for Natural Resources Canada, Vancouver, BC.
Lori Thorsen (2008 - 2009)
Lori completed his B.Sc. in Conservation Biology in the Environmental and Conservation Sciences program at the U of A prior to joining our field crew. We believe Lori is now working in Ontario as an environmental consultant.
Sarah Euler (2008)
Sarah worked with us in 2008 and was returning in 2009 after completing her B.Sc. Environmental and Conservation Sciences (U of A). Sadly, Sarah passed away in a tragic accident early in 2009. We are all richer for having spent time with Sarah. We miss her.
Ian Tichkowsky (2007 - 2008)
Ian is now working as an environmental scientist at Matrix Solutions in Edmonton, AB.
Lance Steinke (2007)
Lance completed his B.Sc. in Land Reclamation, Environmental and Conservation Sciences program (U of A) shortly after working on our field crew. He later completed a M.Sc. in Land Reclamation and is now working as an environmental scientist.
Jocelyn Howery (2006 - 2007)
Jocelyn completed her B.Sc. in Environmental Economics and Policy prior to joining our field crew. She later completed her M.Sc in Water Resource Management (U of A) as a graduate student working with SRWP. She is now the Hydrology Division Manager and Senior Hydrologist with Canada North Environmental Services, Saskatoon, SK.
Jamie Farkham (2005 - 2006)
Jamie earned a B.Sc. in Biological Sciences (U of A) prior to working with our core hydro-meteorological crew. Jamie is presently a hydrologist with Water Survey of Canada (Environment Canada).
Catherine Welsh (2004)
Catherine completed her B.Sc. in Forestry (U of A) prior to joining our field hydro-meteorological crew to launch this study back in 2004. She is currently working as a forester with the Yukon Department of Energy, Mines, and Resources.